Colour !

13 January 2009

Urban life developed in the 1st millennium BC. Capital cities were born (Athens and Rome). Prestigious monuments were built: temples, palaces, lavish mansions… All these buildings were decorated and coloured with frescoes, mosaics and hangings. The statues which decorated them were set off with colours. Painting in Antiquity used numerous pigments : black, white, red, yellow, blue and green. Antiquity should be imagined in technicolor !

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Meanwhile, on the building site, the Grand Palais is back in full colour

Article - 15 November 2023
A monument of stone, glass and metal, the Grand Palais blends into the urban landscape. However, on closer inspection, it is in fact bursting with colour, and one of the challenges of the restoration work currently underway is to restore all its chromatic ranges.
Browse magazine