Hokusai : the trailers

10 October 2014
Katsushika Hokusai is certainly the famours Japanese artisit in the world. Discover his art at the Grand Palais from october 1st 2014 to January 18th 2015 (break from November 21st to 30tj).

Découvrez également notre bande-annonce jeune public de l'exposition : Hokusai, pionnier du manga au Grand Palais (teaser de l'exposition)

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Meanwhile, on the building site, the Grand Palais is back in full colour

Article - 15 November 2023
A monument of stone, glass and metal, the Grand Palais blends into the urban landscape. However, on closer inspection, it is in fact bursting with colour, and one of the challenges of the restoration work currently underway is to restore all its chromatic ranges.
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