Who is Mary Tudor ?

12 May 2015
Who is Mary Tudor ?

Marie Ire, d’après Anthonis Mor, 1555, huile sur bois, 8,6 × 6,4 cm Londres, National Portrait Gallery (NPG 4174)

Mary I (1516-1558)

Reign : 1553-1558

“She was a queen, and by the same title a king also”, John White, bishop of Winchester, at her funeral service.

The daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, Mary I was, right from her very early years, a pawn in the diplomatic game, since her future marriage was intended to seal an alliance with another power. However, with the separation of her parents and her future in ruins, she went into isolation for several years, all the while constantly proclaiming her Catholic faith. With the death of Edward VI, she received a wave of popular support from a great many English nobles. She was proclaimed queen on 19 July 1553, thirteen days after the death of her half-brother. Her personal motto, “Truth, the daughter of time” bears testimony to her long and bitter fight to assert her legitimate right to the throne. At the age of 37, Mary I was crowned Queen of England. She was the first woman to govern the kingdom. She went on to restore Catholicism. However, it was above all her marriage to Philip II of Spain that led to considerable hostility towards her, since it was feared that a foreign prince would interfere.

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