Make way for urban art! Book your ticket for the next exhibition at the Grand Palais Immersif

15 November 2023
What's urban art in the digital age all about? Get your tickets for the next monumental exhibition at the Grand Palais Immersif from 6 December!

Urban art in all its facets at the Grand Palais Immersif

Image pour l'exposition Loading
© Ella & Pitr, L’homme oiseau © Ella&Pitr, Cerrillos, Santiago du Chili 2013 © ADAGP

From New York's subways to paintings created or filmed using drones, from the great murals of the 2000s to the evolution of graffiti and its spectacular diversions... experience the entire history of urban art in 360 degrees, brought to life by a memorable digital installation!

Tickets are now available: get your tickets for the new immersive digital experience "Loading. L'art urbain à l'ère numérique" at the Grand Palais Immersif from December 6.

Exhibition co-produced by Grand Palais Immersif and Atlas V.

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