the 2008 Lissac rally

18 January 2012
Back to the roots
For two days, the Nave turned the clock back to relive the car shows of a hundred years ago, by welcoming 220 classic racers, all starters for the Lissac car rally. A day for nostalgia.

See the media:Lissac rally, 2008. The last checks before leaving.
Lissac rally, 2008. The last checks before leaving. © Coll. Grand Palais, cliché François Tomasi
For the second year running, the glass roof presided over 220 high-octane cars of another time, all lining up for the Lissac automobile rally, one of the flagship events for collectors and lovers of classic racing cars. From April 14 to 15 2008, the Nave returned to its roots: those of the Salon de l'automobile
For two days, historic racing cars that had all competed in the automobile version of the Tour de France between 1951 and 1973, were subjected to the final technical checks and administrative formalities in the Nave. It was here that the public could get a close-up view of this singular, ephemeral exhibition that would then set off to travel the roads of France on its way south to the Riviera.
After completing its journey in 2007 on the banks of Lake Geneva, the 2008 Lissac rally headed resolutely south to return to the Mediterranean. A journey of five days and over a thousand miles, just for the pleasure.

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