Vidéo : Le divan d'Henry Chapier (Archives INA

Vidéo : Le divan d'Henry Chapier (Archives INA

27 March 2012

Grâce aux archives de l'INA, découvrez l'histoire et la personnalité de celui que l'on appelait déjà alors "la star des photographes", Helmut Newton

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A taste of Mexico, the trailer of the exhibition

Vidéo - 29 September 2016
Political revolution, but also cultural arts: between 1900 and 1950, Mexico bubbly. Painters, sculptors and photographers, the time of the artists engage and capture the tradition to build a Mexican modernity. Be the journey to discover or rediscover the masterpieces of Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco and their contemporaries.
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