Salon du livre ancien, de l'estampe et du dessin

Du 11 April 2014 Au 13 April 2014
Grand Palais, the Nave

The Paris International Antiquarian Book Fair and Fine Print Fair is the world’s most prestigious Fair in the field of written heritage. It brings together around 200 book sellers and gallery owners, who present a selection of precious or unusual works: learned and popular works, manuscripts, sumptuous bindings, bookworks,

photographs, historic maps, old and modern prints and drawings that will all fascinate and excite the interest of the visitor. The Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be the guest of honour at the 2014 edition. A rich and wide-ranging programme for knowledgeable collectors and the public at large.


Opening hours11/04 et 12/04 : 11h - 20 h

13/04 : 11 h - 18 h



10 €