Information before you set off for the museum

Information before you set off for the museum

6 avril 2009

How and when can you visit the museum?

The National Museums are open six days out of seven. They are usually closed on Mondays or Tuesdays for major cleaning (polishing the floors, cleaning the glass), moving works around, visits from maintenance contractors and photographers etc, as well as on some Bank Holidays.

Opening hours can vary from one museum to another.

You can check the opening hours of and ways of getting to the museum you want to visit on this website, in the section : Visit a museum by clicking on the “Practical Information” section of the chosen museum.

Free and reduced admission

Useful info
Children (under 26 years old) do not have to pay to go into the museum’s permanent collections (except for the Aquarium at the Palais de la Porte Dorée, Paris).

Free admission on the first Sunday of every month
Admission to the National Museums’ permanent collections is free for all on those days (not admission to temporary exhibits).

Reduced admission charge = Large Family Card
A large family is one with three children or more! The RMN is a partner in the Large Family Card scheme. This allows parents to pay less when visiting the National Museums.

Group visits to the museum

What constitutes a group ?
A group consists of between 15 and 30 people. Depending on its capacity, the museum is the only one that can assess this number. Check before visiting.
Telephone numbers are given on this website, in each museum’s "Practical Information" section.

School groups, teachers and trainers, spacious centres
Groups of students, teachers or trainers must absolutely book their visit with the museum, even if they contain less than 15 people. This ensures that you have a comfortable visit. Booking and admission are free.

Unguided group tours (apart from students)
A group on an unguided tour goes around unaccompanied. It is best to make a booking, because, always for reasons of safety and comfort, the museum may let the group in, ask it to wait or refuse it entry.

With or without a guide?
A group can go round with or without a guide.

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