Legal Information

Legal Information

29 avril 2010

In accordance with article 238 (ii) 1-a of the French Tax Code (Code général des Impôts), the Rmn, a public body specialising in culture (EPIC), qualifies for donations through sponsorship.

Legal information
The French law of 1 August 2003 on patronage provides an advantageous legal and fiscal framework for corporate sponsors, foundations and associations.

Taxation Information
- Tax deductions for patronage
For any amount a company spends on patronage, it benefits from a 60% tax reduction on the amount due in corporation tax, up to a limit of 0.5% of the turnover (art.238 bis of the CGI*). Where this threshold is passed, the law allows the excess to be carried forward over the following five tax years.

- Tax deductions for sponsorship
All sums paid by a company to sponsor another party are entirely tax-deductible as long as they are clearly comprised within operational costs (art.39-1-7° of the CGI*). When submitted with an invoice subject to VAT, the amount of VAT can be reclaimed in accordance with existing legislation.

* French Tax Code (Code général des impôts)

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